Saturday, November 26, 2011

DCA's Night Parties

If they are going to continue with the GlowFest and ElecTRONica parties, they may as well make the themeing  work out to be a movie being filmed during the daytime. Part of the Hollywood area is supposed to be a movie studio, may as well use it as one, or at least make it seem like one. Would it really be all that hard to add a few extra things for it to seem like they are filming a movie there? And the party just happens to occur every night? Just a thought. They could even make it be like a premiere party and even have the film play in the Hyperion Theater once a night.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Worlds of Color

Since World of Color is designed to rapidly changed for new versions of the show, I've thought of a few special ones they could have for a time or two.

1. The first, is a special World of Color for, say, a D23 party in DCA, which would feature only those movies Walt Disney himself worked on. From Snow White to The Jungle Book.

2. The second, I imagine would be for a party Pixar would hold in DCA once Carsland opens. It would feature only scenes from the Pixar library.

3. Third, is a show only for Valentine's Day. It would go form one romantic scene to another in the Disney movies. From scenes that only hint at a blooming romance to the eating the same strand of spaghetti kind.

This will be it for my first blog post on here. May it grow as I potentially move away from Southern California and the quick access it provides to the original, Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom.